
Just another site

Mom-fession #1

on January 27, 2012

To begin we must start with Tuesday…well checks for all kiddos…NOT MY BRIGHTEST IDEA!!!  3 kids in one TINY exam room plus 3 adults = MASS CHAOS that even I (one who doesn’t get overwhelmed easily) could not handle.  I vowed, as soon as we got in the car and my blood pressure decreased significantly, that I would never schedule them all together AGAIN! In this visit David got 2 vaccinations and Samantha received 4.  Needless to say they were PISSED beyond belief that day…well guess what.  They were still mad as heck Wednesday…and on top of that they appeared sick, you know the nice GREEN snot that even strangers who have children are repulsed by!  This brings me to my mom-fession.  Due to these infected children, I was unable to have my 90 minutes of gym time…mommy time…listen to some hard  core metal or hip hop while pounding out my anxiety, frustration, worry, etc. on an eliptical machine.

I suppose I am just confessing to being a human mom who, despite all efforts, is NOT always on top of my game and is at times…impatient with the pint sized creatures living in my house!

*I started this blog on Wednesday.  I am happy to report that by Thursday, David and Samantha were in much better moods and appeared well enough to hang with their party people at the gym again!  Which made for a much calmer, more patient mommy!!

TGIF folks!

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